Network Booting Many Raspberry Pis

A guide that works for me... mileage may vary

Published on 02 January 2020


This is just a short post - mostly for my own benefit - on how to network boot multiple Raspberry Pis from an x86 Linux Server. While this has been covered many times in other posts none of them worked for me "out of the box". Here's what does.


I will be using the following components

  • Hyper-V Virtual Machine running Raspberry Pi Desktop (aka Debian Buster with Raspberry Pi Desktop) downloaded from here as the network boot server.
  • Multiple Raspberry Pi 3B+ (the non-plus Raspberry Pi 3B requires additional steps) as network boot clients


The official Raspberry Pi Network Boot instructions assume you're using a Raspberry Pi as the network boot server and can therefore "copy" a Raspbian installation from an SD Card that has been installed on the network boot client Raspberry Pi. As I want to use an Linux server - running in a virtualised environment no less - I will be using additional steps from Hackaday's excellent article on Network Booting The Pi 4.

Additionally, while each of the network boot client Raspberry Pi's will be running Raspbian Buster Lite, they will be used for different purposes so must run a unique Raspbian installation.


Network Boot Server

  1. Create a virtual machine and install Debian Buster with Raspberry Pi Desktop. I will not cover instructions for doing this here as there are many virtualisation engines and instructions for each would be different; suffice to say I used a Gen 1 Hyper-V instance on Windows Server 2016 with 4 virtual cores, 8Gb of RAM and 64Gb of disk-space. Furthermore, after installation, I enabled SSH and used SSH to execute the following.

  2. Install required software using the following command:

    sudo apt-get install unzip kpartx dnsmasq nfs-kernel-server
  3. Make a directory to contain the first network boot client image:

    sudo mkdir -p /nfs/raspi1
  4. Download and unzip the latest Raspbian Buster Lite image:

  5. Mount the Raspbian Buster Lite image to known locations:

    sudo kpartx -a -v 2019-09-26-raspbian-buster.img
    mkdir rootmnt
    mkdir bootmnt
    sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p2 rootmnt/
    sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 bootmnt/
  6. Copy the Raspbian Buster Lite image to the network boot client image directory created above:

    sudo cp -a rootmnt/* /nfs/raspi1/
    sudo cp -a bootmnt/* /nfs/raspi1/boot/
  7. Ensure the network boot client image doesn't attempt to look for filesystems on the SD Card:

    sudo sed -i /UUID/d /nfs/raspi1/etc/fstab
  8. Replace the boot command in the network boot client image to boot from a network share. Ensure you replace [IP Address] with the IP address of your network boot server (note the modprobe.blacklist is required to successfully boot the Raspberry Pi 3B+ as described here):

    echo "console=serial0,115200 console=tty root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=[IP Address]:/nfs/raspi1,vers=3 rw ip=dhcp rootwait elevator=deadline modprobe.blacklist=bcm2835_v4l2" | sudo tee /nfs/raspi1/boot/cmdline.txt
  9. Enable SSH in the network boot client image:

    sudo touch /nfs/raspi1/boot/ssh
  10. Create a network share containing the network boot client image:

    echo "/nfs/raspi1 *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)" | sudo tee -a /etc/exports
  11. Create a TrivialFTP folder containing boot code for all network boot clients

    sudo mkdir /tftpboot
    sudo cp /nfs/raspi1/boot/bootcode.bin /tftpboot/bootcode.bin
    sudo chmod 777 /tftpboot
  12. Enable and restart rpcbind and nfs-kernel-server services:

    sudo systemctl enable rpcbind
    sudo systemctl enable nfs-kernel-server
    sudo systemctl restart rpcbind
    sudo systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server
  13. Reconfigure dnsmasq to server TFTP files only to Raspberry Pi instances as described here:

    We need to add our settings to the dnsmasq config file, which is where most of the magic happens. Let’s talk about that “proxy” setting. What we’re asking dnsmasq to do is watch for DHCP requests, and rather than respond to those requests directly, wait for the primary DHCP server to assign an IP address. If dnsmasq sees a request for PXE information, it will send additional information to inform the PXE-capable device of the PXE server information. The upside is that this approach lets us support PXE booting without modifying the primary DHCP server.

    Be sure to replace [Broadcast Address] with the broadcast address for your network (use ip address | grep brd to find it):

    echo 'dhcp-range=[Broadcast Address],proxy' | sudo tee -a /etc/dnsmasq.conf
    echo 'log-dhcp' | sudo tee -a /etc/dnsmasq.conf
    echo 'enable-tftp' | sudo tee -a /etc/dnsmasq.conf
    echo 'tftp-root=/tftpboot' | sudo tee -a /etc/dnsmasq.conf
    echo 'pxe-service=0,"Raspberry Pi Boot"' | sudo tee -a /etc/dnsmasq.conf
  14. Enable and restart the dnsmasq service:

    sudo systemctl enable dnsmasq
    sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq
  15. Find the serial number of the first network boot client:

    1. Tail daemon.log to :

      sudo tail -f /var/log/daemon.log
    2. Plug in a network cable and power cable to the first network boot client. After 10-30 seconds you should see output like this in the daemon.log:

      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 available DHCP subnet:
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 PXE(eth0) b8:27:eb:ec:46:57 proxy
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 tags: eth0
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 broadcast response
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 1 option: 53 message-type 2
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 4 option: 54 server-identifier
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 9 option: 60 vendor-class 50:58:45:43:6c:69:65:6e:74
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 17 option: 97 client-machine-id 00:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44...
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 32 option: 43 vendor-encap 06:01:03:0a:04:00:50:58:45:09:14:00:00:11...
      dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/bootsig.bin not found
      dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: sent /tftpboot/bootcode.bin to
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 available DHCP subnet:
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 PXE(eth0) b8:27:eb:ec:46:57 proxy
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 tags: eth0
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 broadcast response
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 1 option: 53 message-type 2
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 4 option: 54 server-identifier
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 9 option: 60 vendor-class 50:58:45:43:6c:69:65:6e:74
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 17 option: 97 client-machine-id 00:57:46:ec:fe:57:46:ec:fe:57:46:ec:fe:57...
      dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 32 option: 43 vendor-encap 06:01:03:0a:04:00:50:58:45:09:14:00:00:11...
      dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/start.elf not found
      dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/autoboot.txt not found
      dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/config.txt not found
      dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/recovery.elf not found
      dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/start.elf not found
      dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/fixup.dat not found

      This shows that the first network boot client has successfully made requests to the TFTP service on the network boot service.

    3. Notice the dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/start.elf not found line. The 'feec4657' value is the serial number of the network boot client (it will obviously be different for you) and allows you to use different images for different devices.

  16. Create a directory for the first network boot client in the /tftpboot directory (remembering to replace [SerialNumber] with the value you found above):

    sudo mkdir /tftpboot/[SerialNumber]
  17. Copy the boot directory from the /nfs/raspi1 directory to the new directory in /tftpboot:

    sudo cp -a /nfs/raspi1/boot/* /tftpboot/[SerialNumber]/
  18. Reconnect the power to the network boot client and it should now boot successfully. If you use sudo tail -f /var/log/daemon.log again you should see something like the following:

    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 PXE(eth0) b8:27:eb:ec:46:57 proxy
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 tags: eth0
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 broadcast response
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 1 option: 53 message-type 2
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 4 option: 54 server-identifier
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 9 option: 60 vendor-class 50:58:45:43:6c:69:65:6e:74
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 17 option: 97 client-machine-id 00:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44...
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 32 option: 43 vendor-encap 06:01:03:0a:04:00:50:58:45:09:14:00:00:11...
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/bootsig.bin not found
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: sent /tftpboot/bootcode.bin to
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 available DHCP subnet:
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 PXE(eth0) b8:27:eb:ec:46:57 proxy
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 tags: eth0
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 broadcast response
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 1 option: 53 message-type 2
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 4 option: 54 server-identifier
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 9 option: 60 vendor-class 50:58:45:43:6c:69:65:6e:74
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 17 option: 97 client-machine-id 00:57:46:ec:fe:57:46:ec:fe:57:46:ec:fe:57...
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 653460281 sent size: 32 option: 43 vendor-encap 06:01:03:0a:04:00:50:58:45:09:14:00:00:11...
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/autoboot.txt not found
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: error 0 Early terminate received from
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: failed sending /tftpboot/feec4657/start.elf to
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: sent /tftpboot/feec4657/config.txt to
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/recovery.elf not found
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: sent /tftpboot/feec4657/start.elf to
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: sent /tftpboot/feec4657/fixup.dat to
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/recovery.elf not found
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: sent /tftpboot/feec4657/config.txt to
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/dt-blob.bin not found
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/recovery.elf not found
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: sent /tftpboot/feec4657/config.txt to
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/bootcfg.txt not found
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: sent /tftpboot/feec4657/cmdline.txt to
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: sent /tftpboot/feec4657/bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb to
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: sent /tftpboot/feec4657/config.txt to
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/recovery8.img not found
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/recovery8-32.img not found
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/recovery7.img not found
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/recovery.img not found
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/kernel8-32.img not found
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: error 0 Early terminate received from
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: failed sending /tftpboot/feec4657/kernel8.img to
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: error 0 Early terminate received from
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: failed sending /tftpboot/feec4657/kernel7.img to
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: file /tftpboot/feec4657/armstub8-32.bin not found
    dnsmasq-tftp[9460]: sent /tftpboot/feec4657/kernel7.img to
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 1754635714 available DHCP subnet:
    dnsmasq-dhcp[9460]: 1754635714 available DHCP subnet:
    rpc.mountd[26471]: authenticated mount request from for /nfs/raspi1 (/nfs/raspi1)

    Here we can see the following:

    • sent /tftpboot/bootcode.bin to -> We successfully sent the bootcode.bin to the network boot client
    • sent /tftpboot/feec4657/[FILENAME] to -> We successfully sent boot files from the device specific /tftpboot directory to the network boot client
    • authenticated mount request from for /nfs/raspi1 (/nfs/raspi1) -> the network boot client mounted to the system drive from the nfs share.
  19. You should now be able to ssh into the network boot client using the following (replacing the [IP Address]) with the one you see):

    ssh pi@[IP Address]

    Using the default password of 'raspberry'.

Additional Network Boot Clients

To add additional network boot clients, simply repeat steps 3, 6-10, 15-18 replacing all instances of raspi1 with a new name.
